With a Thankful Heart

With a Thankful Heart

For those of you able to attend the Annual Meeting last Sunday, thank you so much! For those of you who could not make it, never fear; you can find the very well-produced recording below with all the information you need “baked into” the meeting. Again, I...
One Nation Under God

One Nation Under God

Like many of you, I have felt sick and betrayed over the events transpiring in Washington. But, unlike most of you, I have a different perspective on what we might think of as patriotism or nationalism. I grew up in 1970s-80s Britain, where hyper-nationalism was the...
Blessings to Be Counted, Gifts to Behold

Blessings to Be Counted, Gifts to Behold

Dear All, On this first day of the new year, I give thanks to God for all that we accomplished in 2020, a devastating year like no other. Here are a few highlights, in no particular order, that give me joy in the midst of an ongoing feeling of loss: At heart, we are...